As we open the new year of 2014,
amidst a clamor by African presidents that they should never be prosecuted for
crimes against humanity, world’s newest country South Sudan is burning in the
fire of negative ethnicity as if drawn into it by an irresistible death wish.
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Some 63,000 people are now living at UN compounds |
Though many people have warned
against dangers of negative ethnicity, many African countries continue to
ignore the monster.
Consequently many have exploded as
has South Sudan now and those which have not, instead of guarding against a
similar eventuality, they laugh at the victim, as wood in the drying rack
laughs at the wood in the fire.
As is typical of victims of negative
ethnicity everywhere, in South Sudan, the Nuers are blaming Dinkas for their
problems and Dinkas are blaming the Nuers for disturbing their turn to eat.
But why did South Sudanese not
learn their lesson from Rwanda or Kenya’s post election violence? Why are they
not able to discern the guile and false promises of negative ethnicity when it
comes to them as a saviour? Is it because they do not understand the dragon or
how it works?
The worst thing is when
Africans and foreign friends live in the denial that negative ethnicity is the
ideology that is burning South Sudan and most of Africa. A disease denied
cannot be treated.
Negative ethnicity is neither
ethnicity nor positive ethnicity that rightly celebrates our ethnic roots and
ethnic diversity. Negative ethnicity is hate of others from other communities
that we more popularly call tribalism.
Negative ethnicity that we
fatally embrace is related to anti-Semitism and racism but Europeans, Americans
and South Africans spend more time fighting their evil ideologies than Africans
spend fighting theirs.
When ethnic elites are not at each
other’s throat, they will look within their community for clans and tribesmen
in other regions to fight.
Negative ethnicity was a tool of
colonial conquest that British ruling minorities used to divide and rule their
colonial subject majorities in Africa and Asia.
In Sudan, the Arabic North Sudan
used negative ethnicity to divide Africans in the South. After independence,
African elites did not eradicate but perpetuated negative ethnicity as a tool
of scrambling for power and resources. But this scramble was bound to come to a
head as it has now.
Much as Africans tried to free
themselves from the comb-web of negative ethnicity, they have failed because capitalism,
the system of unbridled greed and the Machiavellian principle of “the end
justifies the means” has converted most African leaders into demagogues of
negative ethnicity to attain or retain power.
Everywhere negative ethnicity
operates against nationalism, idealism and multi-ethnic nation. As Samora
Machel mourned that the tribe had killed the nation of Mozambique, in Kenya,
patriots also mourn that the tribe has killed the nation.
The modus operandi of negative
ethnicity is division, war and balkanisation of the nation. Right now, unless
the Nuer military forces are quickly defeated by the Dinka military forces or a
political solution to the problems is quickly found, South Sudan might
balkanise into a Nuer South Sudan and a Dinka South Sudan.
In Africa, wars of negative
ethnicity have killed more people than those killed by any other ideology.
Thanks to negative ethnicity, Africa has witnessed ethnic civil wars, massacres
and genocides in DR Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Rwanda, Burundi,
Mali, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and now South Sudan. In
Somalia, clanism – a mutation of negative ethnicity – has destroyed the whole
In most of Africa, negative
ethnicity has become the ideology of politics, religion, government, counties,
emotions, love etc. We even think with negative ethnicity, not minds. In Rwanda
they call negative ethnicity the ideology of genocide.
Its theatres of operation include
churches, institutions of learning, political parties, government ministries,
public and private companies, media, police and army.
As the ideology of devolution,
in Kenya and South Sudan, negative ethnicity has turned counties into ethnic
enclaves wherein citizens are people from majority communities and foreigners are
those from minority communities.
With the country split between
citizens and foreigners, jobs and business contracts will go to citizens and
crumbs to foreigners.
Surprisingly, negative
ethnicity has strength because it comes to communities, never as an enemy, but
as an ally, friend and saviour from ethnic enemies. Where negative ethnicity
engenders ethnic discrimination, its beneficiaries always stand by it.
Negative ethnicity has given
Africa its worst leaders. Rather than pick the best leadership, it dictates
election of the best soldiers of the tribe rather than the best servants of the
And though masses of ordinary
people are the worst victims of negative ethnicity, due to their poverty of
ideas, they are its greatest propagators. Instead of seeing themselves as poor
workers and farmers, they see themselves as communities and enemies of other
In Kenya, instead of working for
ethnic equality, negative ethnicity glorifies tyranny of ethnic numbers.
Unfortunately, this legitimisation of ethnic domination makes nonsense of
national unity – 'we are one'. Ethnic minorities and majorities cannot be one.
Under President Kibaki,
tyranny of ethnic numbers grew by leaps and bounds. It won an election and now
forms a government of two communities.
In seemingly stable African
countries, ethnic elites reconcile by sharing resources and use the divided
ethnic masses to reach top of the food chain.
In ethnically-divided African
countries, individuals cannot advocate political accommodation of other
communities without being labelled traitors, just like moderate Hutus in Rwanda
during the 1984 genocide.
To eradicate negative
ethnicity, South Sudan needs a leader like President Nyerere of Tanzania. And
as she learns she cannot survive divided by negative ethnicity, African
countries that have not exploded yet must learn from her and Rwanda.
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