Pope Francis announces new Vatican commission to combat abuse

Pope Francis
Pope Francis will set up a Vatican child protection commmission in order to combat child abuse, it was announced this morning.

Following a Council of Cardinals meeting at the Vatican, Cardinal Sean O’Malley told reporters that Pope Francis had accepted the cardinals’ proposal for a special commission established for the protection of children.

According to Catholic News Service, Cardinal O’Malley said that the commission will survey child protection programmes and work with bishops and religious.

The commission will include lay people and will focus aswell on supporting victims of abuse and advising the Pope on prevention polcies and pastoral outreach for victims.
The Vatican commission will look at guidelines in place, priestly formation programs, codes of conduct and screening candidates for the priesthood.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith’s role in investigating and trying accused priests won’t change.

The Vatican commission will also issue recommendations to support co-operation with the civil authorities.
Posted by Admin | at 17:24

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