Photos:Behind the scenes with Obama, Bush at Mandela memorial

Obama and Bush share Air Force One

Former President George W. Bush, left, first lady Michelle Obama, senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, assistant to the president Tina Tchen, National Security Adviser Susan Rice, former first lady Laura Bush and President Barack Obama talk as they wait for dinner aboard Air Force One. The presidents were heading to South Africa for the memorial service of Nelson Mandela. White House photographer Pete Souza provided a behind-the-scenes look at the flight and their time in South Africa.

Aboard Air Force One, Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes edits the President's speech.

President Bush shows photos of his paintings to Michelle Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Jarrett, Rice, Attorney General Eric Holder and Mrs. Bush.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks with the Obamas, speechwriter Ben Rhodes and former Chief of Protocol Capricia Marshall aboard Air Force One.

President Obama jokes with President Bush aboard Air Force One.

The presidents, first ladies and former Secretary of State Clinton arrive in South Africa.

Posted by Admin | at 17:10

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