Nelson Mandela memorial service: In pictures

Tens of thousands of people are joining world leaders at a memorial service for former South African President Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg. The service is being held at the FNB stadium, where Mr Mandela made his last public appearance. It is also being shown on big screens at three "overflow" stadiums.
Inside the stadium There had been fears people would be turned away, but the heavy rain left areas of the 95,000 capacity stadium empty.
Members of the public attend the Nelson Mandela memorial service The service is being held in front of a vociferous crowd in the FNB stadium.
Desmond Tutu Archbishop Desmond Tutu addresses the stadium, asking the crowd to be quiet - he "wants to hear a pin drop".
US President Barack Obama addresses the crowd US President Barack Obama is welcomed by a huge cheer from the crowd as he begins his speech, in which he describes Mr Mandela as a "giant of history", adding: "The world thanks you for sharing Nelson Mandela with us."
US President Barack Obama (L) shakes hands with Cuban President Raul Castro On his way to the podium, President Obama shakes hands with Cuban President Raul Castro, an unprecedented gesture between the leaders of two nations that have been at loggerheads for more than half a century.
South African President Jacob Zuma There were some boos for current South African President Jacob Zuma, but his keynote address was respectfully heard. He said Mr Mandela had been "one of a kind... a fearless freedom fighter who refused to allow the brutality of the apartheid state to stand in way of the struggle for the liberation of his people".
Members of the crowd salute John Simpson, the BBC's World Affairs Editor said: "Despite the difficulties - the driving rain and logistical challenges - of organising this event, it must remain a source of immense pride for South Africans that a memorial for one of their own has attracted such an array of world dignitaries."
A woman wears a photo of former South African president Nelson Mandela Those attending the service include US President Barack Obama, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Cuban President Raul Castro, French President Francois Hollande and British Prime Minister David Cameron.
Graca Machel listens to speakers Nelson Mandela's widow Graca Machel listens to the tributes including that by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon who said: "Mandela hated hatred. Not the people. He showed wholesome power of forgiveness. A unique gift."
Former British Prime Minister John Major (centre) greets former US Presidents George W Bush (right) and Bill Clinton (left) Former British Prime Minister John Major (centre) greets former US Presidents George W Bush (right) and Bill Clinton (left).
Outside the stadium a man prepares to sell portraits of Mr Mandela.

The heavy rain continued as deputy president of the ANC Cyril Ramaphosa addresses the crowd and welcomes those in the stadium and those watching around South Africa and around the world. He said: "In our tradition, when it rains when you are buried, your gods are welcoming you to heaven."

Posted by Admin | at 21:10

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