Kenya: Transparency International Launches Report On Corruption in Education

Transparency International in a new report shows says stepping up the fight against corruption in education is necessary not only to keep children in school and meet literacy and development goals, but also to ensure that the next generation is prepared to say no to corruption.
According to the organization's Global Corruption Report,in order to prevent corruption from becoming commonplace, promoting integrity among young people is critical to building a better future.
This report seeks to shed light on the many shapes and forms of corrupt practices in education, be they the embezzlement of national education funds, hidden school costs or the buying and selling of fake degrees.
Huguette Labelle, Chair of Transparency International emphasizes on the need to sensitize and create awareness for the young people on corruption:
"For schools to educate the corruption fighters of tomorrow they need to be free from corruption themselves. Without a strong dose of integrity, our schools and universities will fail to provide future leaders with the basic tools needed to succeed, and more importantly, to combat graft. With nearly a fifth of the world's population between 15 and 24 years old, young people have the potential to stop corruption both as the citizens of today and as the leaders of tomorrow." Labelle said
Posted by Admin | at 21:09

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